Obit: Fessenden, Minerva A. (1827 - 1894)
Transcriber: Stan
----Source: THORP COURIER (Thorp, Clark County, Wis.) 04/05/1894
Fessenden, Minerva A. (9 May 1827 - 1 Apr 1894)
Died, at her home in this village (Thorp, Clark County, Wis.), on Sunday, Apr. 1, 1894, Mrs. H. J. Fessenden, aged 66 years, 10 months and 22 days.
She was born on May 9, 1827 at New Albany, Ind., her maiden name being Minerva A. Nance, and was married in 1846 to H. J. Fessenden at Columbus, Ill. With her husband she came to Wisconsin in 1863, locating at West Salem, where she lived until 1871. From there she moved to the E. C. Co. Farm south of Thorp, remaining until 1883, when they again moved to sterling, Wis. In 1891 they took up their residence at Thorp, where they bought themselves a house and settled down to enjoy their declining years amongst the host of friends and acquaintances who have known them for twenty years. Mrs. Fessenden became a member of the Baptist Church at the age of fifteen and throughout her long and useful life she was a devoted Christian and an active worker in the cause of religion. Her whole life was an object lesson of morality, virtue and Christian charity to all with whom she came in contact' her home was the home of a devoted wife and an affectionate and loving mother. In it was never heard the ripple of discontent; peace and joy alone prevailed. She shared with her husband a spirit of patriotism and devotion to her country and fro four long years she sacrificed the comforts of a home and provided for their family of small children that he might remain at the front battling with the enemies of freedom. She passed away after an illness of just four days.
Besides her husband, four children survive her, Mrs. E. A. sterling and Ed. Fessenden of Thorp, Mrs. E. G. Swift of St. Louis, and Mrs. H. O. Pixley of Covert, Kansas. The interment takes place today from the Baptist Church, Rev. J. B. Bachman officiating.
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